More Information
Name | Bar Spoon Twisted With Muddler |
Contains | Spoon |
Material | Stainless steel |
Size | 27,5 cm - weight 50 g |
Specifications | Dishwasher safe |
Category | Bar equipment |
SKU | 7107 |
This bar spoon twisted with muddler works both for stirring, layering and muddling drinks and cocktails. With the spoon, stir in the glass to mix and cool the drink. With the twisted shaft, you make sure that the liquid winds along the shaft and runs slowly into the glass - this makes it easier to create layering. The flat end can be used as a muddler to get flavors and oils out of fruits and herbs.
Bar Spoon Twisted With Muddler

Multifunctional bar spoon with a wide range of applications. With this you can both stir, layer and muddle your drinks and cocktails with just one tool.
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More Information
Name | Bar Spoon Twisted With Muddler |
Contains | Spoon |
Material | Stainless steel |
Size | 27,5 cm - weight 50 g |
Specifications | Dishwasher safe |
Category | Bar equipment |
SKU | 7107 |
This bar spoon twisted with muddler works both for stirring, layering and muddling drinks and cocktails. With the spoon, stir in the glass to mix and cool the drink. With the twisted shaft, you make sure that the liquid winds along the shaft and runs slowly into the glass - this makes it easier to create layering. The flat end can be used as a muddler to get flavors and oils out of fruits and herbs.