More Information
Name | Football Kicking Machine |
Contains | Kick Machine with 2 function |
Material | Steel & fiberglass |
Size | 175x143x84 cm - weight 140 kg |
Specifications | Freeplay function or coin insert |
OBS! | (This product is not possible to buy with discount codes) |
Category | Amusement machines |
SKU | 9006 |
- Call and talk without a tie-in at 844 704 3678
- Free delivery of machine, no start-up costs
- Income is split 50/50
- Includes service, maintenance and reliability
The football kicking machine is ideal for bars, nightclubs, city parties, events etc. It attracts a lot of attention and will draw a lot of people by your table at events.
Football Kicking Machine

Can you kick like a professional football player? Test your kicking skills and show your friends who's the best at football!
Bestil før kl. 17.00 på hverdage og få din klimakompenserede levering næste hverdag/lørdag med GLS. Vi sender din ordre samme dag, hvis du bestiller inden kl. 17.00 på hverdage. Vi leverer til pakkeshop, erhverv eller privat – valget er dit!
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Ved reklamation send en mail til info@partyvikings.dk. Din mail skal indeholde en beskrivelse af, hvad der er sket, og hvorfor du ønsker at returnere ordren, dit ordrenummer og et billede af de beskadigede varer. Er der sket en transportskade skal du yderligere sende billeder af papkassens sider og GLS-label.
Mandag – torsdag 9:00-14:00
Fredag 9:00-13:00
Ved spørgsmål eller brug for hjælp sidder Sofie og Ida klar
PartyVikings APS
Springbjervej 16
7183 Randbøl
More Information
Name | Football Kicking Machine |
Contains | Kick Machine with 2 function |
Material | Steel & fiberglass |
Size | 175x143x84 cm - weight 140 kg |
Specifications | Freeplay function or coin insert |
OBS! | (This product is not possible to buy with discount codes) |
Category | Amusement machines |
SKU | 9006 |
- Call and talk without a tie-in at 844 704 3678
- Free delivery of machine, no start-up costs
- Income is split 50/50
- Includes service, maintenance and reliability
The football kicking machine is ideal for bars, nightclubs, city parties, events etc. It attracts a lot of attention and will draw a lot of people by your table at events.