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Pool Beer Pong Deluxe PartyVikings 180x91 cm

Package contains: Pool Beer Pong Deluxe with Repair kit
My Image Flydende Beer Pong fest
My Image Nedkøl dine øl i midten af madrassen
My Image Hurtig opsætning

Pool Beer Pong Deluxe is the Deluxe version of our Pool Beer Pong! - Take Beer Pong into the water. There is a cooler for the drinks and then you are ready for at hot game in the water!

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  • Én-dags levering fra 39 kr
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UK store
Beer Pong balls 10 pcs
Beer Pong Balls 150x
Red Cups 50x - 0,4 liter

More Information

Name Pool Beer Pong Deluxe PartyVikings 180x91 cm
Contains Pool Beer Pong Deluxe with Repair kit
Material PVC
Size 180x91x15 cm - weight 375
Specifications 10 holes in each end for Red- and Blue Cups and 4 holes at each side for drinks. It also have a box in the middle for more drinks
Category Beer Pong
SKU 2510
This is a must-have Gadget for every Beer Pong lover! The most popular drinking game can now be played at the beach and in the pool with this luxurious Beer Pong air mattress.